How much do you get done in a typical day? Have you ever conducted a time study on yourself? If you haven’t, you should, and when you do, you’ll likely be shocked at how much dead time you’ve got in your day.
Did you know that, on average, most people spend up to four hours per day checking email and poking around on social media? How much more productive could you be if you could somehow recapture all the slack time in your day?
There’s good news! You don’t have to attend an expensive seminar to learn to get the most out of each and every day. Just do the following:
Plan! It’s Everything.
Studies have shown that five minutes of planning can save you as much as thirty minutes of time when it comes to execution, so at the end of each work day, plan the next day out in detail. Create a list of actionable steps you’ll take to march toward whatever goals you’ve set for yourself.
Build Momentum
The best way to build momentum is to start the day with two tasks you can knock out quickly. As you organize your daily tasks, however, be aware that you’re most productive in the earliest part of the day, so be sure that the first few hours see you working on your most challenging tasks.
If you break them down appropriately, you’ll be able to knock out two small sub-parts of a complex task quickly, then dive headlong into a larger sub-task that relates back to one of your biggest challenges of the day. By lunchtime, you’ll have your toughest work behind you, and you’ll have built a tremendous amount of momentum that will carry you through the rest of the day.
Take Productivity Breaks
Even when you take breaks (and you should), don’t spend that time checking email or social media. Those things tend to suck you in, kill your momentum and take much more of your time than you realize.
Instead, spend your break time either updating your plan, or working on quick, easy tasks that will continue building your momentum.
Those three keys will do more to boost your productivity than anything else, and you can start today!